Trump 2016: A look back at the 45th president’s impact on oncology

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Donald J. Trump

As oncology contemplates the potential impact of a second Donald Trump term on cancer care and research, The Cancer Letter has compiled a list of guest editorials, news analyses, and data-driven reports that this magazine published during his first term. 

Days after the 2016 election, there were uncertainties about President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare programs—the Affordable Care Act and the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative (The Cancer Letter, Nov. 10, 2016). 

“We are in a historic time in cancer research,” Elizabeth Jaffee, co-chair of NCI’s Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel, said to The Cancer Letter at the time. “We hope we will not lose the momentum.” 

During his first term, Trump focused on contracting ACA’s reach, reducing drug prices, and increasing the importation of foreign drugs. 

Constant battles over appropriations left many in oncology concerned about paylines and the future of cancer research.

“The collective impact of this scattershot approach to research funding is devastating,” Candace S. Johnson, president and CEO at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, wrote in 2019. “The field of oncology is losing talented young people to other fields because they understandably aren’t willing to work in such a climate of instability. Worthy ideas sit on a shelf, undeveloped, while cancer researchers in other countries move ahead around us.” 

However, many of Trump’s more controversial priorities drew objections and were blocked by Congress. 

Toward the end of his first term, congressional support for biomedical and cancer research remained solid and appropriations increased. However, the COVID-19 pandemic had deepened a growing feud between Trump and public health experts, FDA, and NIH, leading experts to fear greater efforts to cut research funding (The Cancer Letter, Nov. 6, 2020). 

These fears were echoed in the 2024 campaign. “[Trump] has not clearly articulated a health policy agenda, and the modern GOP has evolved in a much more populist direction than it stood even four years ago,” Samyukta Mullangi and Debra Patt wrote in a recent guest editorial in The Cancer Letter. “This has important implications—for example, during his four years in the White House, Trump sought to contract the reach of ACA in multiple ways.” 

While Trump has been less vocal on healthcare policies during the 2024 campaign, he has indicated that he will allow Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to “go wild” on health care, and Kennedy stated this week that there are entire FDA departments that “have to go.”

An article about oncology leaders’ reactions to the 2024 election results appears in this issue.

Here is The Cancer Letter’s coverage of Trump’s first term:

On funding cancer research

Every year in office, Trump’s budget proposals included major cuts to NIH and NCI. However, bipartisan resistance in Congress produced four strong years of cancer research funding. 

In March 2017, Trump launched his first effort to cut NIH funding for fiscal year 2018:

The final appropriation amounted to a 5.2% increase for NCI.

In 2018, Trump’s FY19 proposal offered similar cuts, which were again rebuffed by a Republican-led Congress:

And again in 2019: 

And in 2020:

Proposed vs. appropriated budgets during the Trump administration

Fiscal  YearPresident’s  Budget ProposalEnacted  appropriationSenate  majorityHouse  majority
2018NIH: $25.9B
NCI: not mentioned
NIH: $37.31B
NCI: $5.93B
2019Initial proposal:
NIH: $26.9B
NCI: $3.76B

NIH: $33B
NCI: $5.23B
NIH: $39.31B
NCI: $5.99B
2020NIH: $34.4B
NCI: $5.2B
NIH: $41.69B
NCI: $6.38B
2021NIH: $38.69B
NCI: $5.8B*
NIH: $42.94B
NCI: $6.44B

Sources: NCI, NIH, Congressional Research Service, and The Cancer Letter.
*Total extrapolated from a reported 9% cut. FY21 President’s Budget Proposal did not cite NCI funding.

Trumpcare vs. Obamacare

The repeal of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, was a major Trump 2016 campaign promise. Repealing Obamacare was “pretty high on our agenda, as you know,” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in a Nov. 9, 2016 Politico report. “I would be shocked if we didn’t move forward and keep our commitment to the American people.”

“From what I understand, the new president has opined that he will simply reverse the decisions about the ACA and come up with a better plan,” Derek Raghavan, then president of the Levine Cancer Institute at the Charlotte-based Carolinas HealthCare System, said at the time. 

“My concern is, I don’t know what that better plan actually is, or whether it has already been formulated.”

This is still a campaign promise in 2024. Yet, in the Sept. 10, 2024 Presidential debate, Trump stated he had only “concepts of a plan.”

The original “Trumpcare”—the American Healthcare Act—was defeated 49-51 in the Republican-controlled Senate July 28, 2017.

On drug pricing and regulation

Early in Trump’s first term, advocates and conservative groups pushed forward “right to try” legislation aimed to remove bureaucratic red tape and speed access to unproven treatments for terminally ill patients. 

The law’s critics, however, argued that these laws fail to deliver on their promises and erode patient protections.

“ASCO supports access to investigational drugs outside of clinical trials when adequate patient protections are in place,” then ASCO Chief Medical Officer Richard Schilsky said in a statement in 2017. “We don’t support right-to-try legislation, however, because these laws ignore key patient protections without actually improving patient access to investigational drugs outside of clinical trials.”

Existing FDA policies already provided access to these treatments, Arthur Caplan, the Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor and founding director of the Division of Medical Ethics at the New York University School of Medicine, said to The Cancer Letter in 2018.

“Control over access lies in the hands of companies and sponsors. The FDA is happy to sign off as long as company is willing to give,” Caplan said. “They are not an obstacle or hindrance to patients. To take away that expertise, leaves patients more at risk. And it is cruel to promise access to the dying and their families that the legislation cannot deliver.”

In 2018, the Trump administration set forth a blueprint to reduce drug prices and increase competition. His policies were questioned by many oncology leaders and cancer groups. 

“The proposals aim to save the Medicare program money,” Chris Hansen, then president of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, said at the time. “But in their current form could actually have the inverse effect, raising costs in other parts of the program and likely resulting in tremendous cost-shifting to patients.”

On his way out of office, Trump finalized a rule that uses international reference prices to lower Medicare Part B prices—the Most Favored Nation Rule, published Nov. 20, 2020. The rule has since been rescinded.

Childhood Cancer Data Initiative

In his 2019 State of the Union Address, Trump announced $500M in funding over 10 years for the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative.

This initiative built on Joe Biden’s legacy as vice president: 

CCDI is an example of continuity of high profile programs that go from one administration to another. 

“The support [for pediatric cancer research] that the president suggests—$500 million over 10 years—is wonderful and appreciated, but that is not enough money to boil the ocean in terms of big data,” then NCI Director Ned Sharpless said in 2019. “But $50 million a year for 10 years is a significant investment. I mean, that would help a lot. Certainly, Congress decides the appropriation, were they to give us more, we’d find a use for it. I mean, NCI could always use more support for great cancer research.”


Trump appointees to oncology and science leadership roles included:

NCI Director

Portrait of Ned Sharpless

FDA Commissioner

NIH Director


In the last weeks of his presidency, Trump appointed three new members of the National Cancer Advisory Board. Those would-be members included a Florida nursing home entrepreneur with a history of advocating for right-to-try laws, a Washington, DC-based energy and raw materials supplier and consultant, and a retired oncologist. 

On Sept. 15, 2021, the three appointees received a letter from the Biden administration instructing them to resign.

Oncology speaks out

Here is what scientists had to say about Trump’s policies on science, FDA, his “America First” foreign policy, anti-immigration measures, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

This column features the latest posts to the Cancer History Project by our growing list of contributors

The Cancer History Project is a free, web-based, collaborative resource intended to mark the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act and designed to continue in perpetuity. The objective is to assemble a robust collection of historical documents and make them freely available. 

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Katie Goldberg
Director of Operations
Table of Contents


The Trump administration did exactly what it said it would do to disorient anyone involved in making policy or touched by it. The president and his crew have “flooded the zone”—the term and the image are theirs, as is the strategy of dropping a flurry of executive orders and memoranda that shake the foundations of the American system of government, raising questions of legality and constitutionality, and, above all, making it a challenge for anyone to see the entire picture and think strategically.
Katie Goldberg
Director of Operations

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