NPR station broadcasts anniversary program on moonshot

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On Jan. 12, the first anniversary of the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative, NPR’s largest member station, KQED San Francisco, aired a one-hour program, which is posted here.

Guests included:

  • Matthew Ong, reporter, The Cancer Letter

  • Deborah Mayer, professor, school of nursing and director of cancer survivorship, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at UNC-Chapel Hill; member, Blue Ribbon Panel for Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot

  • Jan Liphardt, associate professor of bioengineering, Stanford University; co-founder,

  • Alan Ashworth, president, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center; senior vice president for Cancer Services, UCSF Health Professor of Medicine

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Artificial intelligence is starting to transform life sciences by accelerating drug discovery and development, optimizing clinical trials, and creating personalized treatments for cancer patients, speakers said at the Sept. 18 unveiling of the American Association for Cancer Research 2024 Cancer Progress Report. 

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