NASEM publishes guidance for campus climate surveys measuring sexual harassment

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The Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education—part of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine—published its first collaborative resource: a Guidance Document on Measuring Sexual Harassment Prevalence Using Campus Climate Surveys.  

The goal of the resource is to help the higher education ecosystem conduct climate surveys that align with best practices identified by research.

Authored by the Action Collaborative’s Evaluation Working Group, this guide provides key considerations for collecting population-based data in the form of a large-scale survey such as a campus climate survey, with the goal of measuring the prevalence of sexual harassment.

The guidance document can be found here

On Oct. 12-13, the Action Collaborative will host its third annual public summit, an open forum for those in the higher education ecosystem to identify, discuss, and elevate approaches to addressing and preventing sexual harassment. 

Table of Contents


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