Pandemic notwithstanding, NCI is on track to reach the 15th percentile for the payline by 2025—a goal set by institute Director Ned Sharpless in response to a deluge of grant applications.
“Congress’s support has allowed NCI to raise the payline for R01 research awards by 35% since 2019. For two consecutive years, we’ve raised grant paylines for [early-stage investigators] as well,” Sharpless said Feb. 11 in his director’s report at a virtual meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board.
Last year, Sharpless set the goal of reaching the 15th perentile by 2025.
“You can see the [Early Stage Investigator] payline is now 16th percentile. That is the best payline for an R01 out of the NCI in a very long time. And we are also able to sustain continuing awards at 100th percentile.”
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