As U.S. News tweaks methodology, top four cancer hospitals remain unchanged from last year

(1) MD Anderson, (2) MSK, (3) Mayo, (4) DFCI

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Don’t sack the director because your cancer center’s score and ranking by U.S. News & World Report have slipped. 

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Jacquelyn Cobb
Associate Editor
Matthew Bin Han Ong
Matthew Bin Han Ong
Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher
Table of Contents


A meta-analysis of 25 studies—totaling over 5,000 participants—focused on a question that has been troubling patients, physicians, and regulators: Does treatment with CAR T-cell therapy contribute to the development of secondary cancers?
Mayo Clinic study has found that 8 million to 10 million Americans over age 40 have an overabundance of cloned white blood cells, or lymphocytes, that hamper their immune systems. Although many who have this condition—called monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis—do not experience any symptoms, a recent study shows they may have an elevated risk for several health complications, including melanoma. 
Jacquelyn Cobb
Associate Editor
Matthew Bin Han Ong
Matthew Bin Han Ong
Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher

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