We are in this together

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Dear Reader,

As the leading independent source of news in oncology, The Cancer Letter has decided that it is our moral imperative to provide coverage of COVID-19 free of charge until this crisis is resolved.

Our colleagues at other premier news publications and scientific journals, too, are removing paywalls on material related to the pandemic.

This is clearly the right thing to do for you, our readers, the courageous people on the front lines.

Through our award-winning investigative reporting, through conversations with leading experts, and through guest editorials from leaders in oncology, The Cancer Letter will continue to explore how COVID-19 affects our unique readership.

I am certain that our subscribers will agree that our coverage of COVID-19 should be widely available. Making it open access is consistent with best practices in journalism today.

This coverage of COVID-19 is now consolidated on one landing page.

Even amid the pandemonium, we can see that cancer scientists and clinicians stand poised to play key roles in finding effective treatments for this disease. Oncology has built a unique clinical trials infrastructure capable of generating answers rapidly and reliably. Oncology, immunology, and rheumatology have been crossing paths for decades, and now they intersect in a manner never seen before.

In years to come, COVID-19 will redefine medicine—including oncology—and The Cancer Letter will be there, providing reliable, authoritative information about events affecting you and the world we live in.

I am certain that our subscribers will agree that our coverage of COVID-19 should be widely available. Making it open-access is consistent with best practices in journalism today.

Our ongoing reporting on oncology issues that brought you to us will continue, and, as this crisis unfolds, we will place this content back behind the paywall. The Cancer Letter is now in its 46th year of publication, and we will be here for decades to come.

Taking down the paywall for our COVID-19 coverage is not something we take lightly. Over 90% of The Cancer Letter‘s revenues come from subscriptions, less than 10% from advertising, and only a fraction of advertising comes from pharmaceutical companies. Subscribers like you keep our lights on. I hope you will support our ongoing coverage:

  • If your institution or your company doesn’t have a subscription, please forward our limited-time offer to your leadership. We will provide a discounted first-year rate on a subscription, as well as a free advertising package. For a quote, please reach out to katie@cancerletter.com.

  • If you don’t have an individual subscription, please consider purchasing one. Individual subscriptions are available for purchase on our website. Select “monthly recurring” or “annual” and enter the code TRUTH at checkout to receive $165 off your subscription. This offer is valid for new and lapsed subscribers only.

  • Discounted advertising for all current institutional subscribers. For a short time, we are offering 15% off on all advertising to any subscriber of The Cancer Letter. Our readership numbers have doubled in recent months. Now is the time to advertise your job openings, virtual meetings, and more. We will honor this rate for any ads purchased between now and April 30; however, you are free to schedule those ads beyond that date. Please download our media kit and contact katie@cancerletter.com to learn more.

New coverage and submission guidelines

The Cancer Letter‘s coverage of COVID-19 is consolidated on this landing page, which we will continue to update as this crisis unfolds.

If you would like to be notified of new issues and special reports, please join our mailing list. We also post about our latest stories on Twitter.

In addition to our in-depth reporting on COVID-19 issues, we have also expanded our news briefs to include a section exclusively devoted to COVID-19 news.

The Cancer Letter is accepting submissions of:

  • Press releases related to COVID-19 and cancer. To submit, please add news@cancerletter.com to your distribution list.

  • Guest editorials and commentary. To inquire about submissions, please contact me directly at paul@cancerletter.com. Big ideas and rough drafts are welcome.

The Cancer Letter is your platform for news you can act on. We are in this together.

Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher
Table of Contents


Technological innovations are often hailed as transformative tools capable of revolutionizing healthcare. From gene editing for conditions like sickle cell disease to AI predicting hospital readmissions, to telemedicine expanding healthcare access, these advancements have the potential to change the way we treat diseases. 
Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher

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