Removed from U.S. market in 2011, Pfizer’s Mylotarg slated to return following results of a French study that tested a new regimen

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The FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee July 11 voted to approve Pfizer’s Mylotarg (gemtuzumab ozogamicin, GO), a CD33-directed antibody-drug conjugate for the indication of “combination therapy with daunorubicin and cytarabine for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated, de novo CD33-positive acute myeloid leukemia.

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Twenty years ago, the discovery of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations as drivers of tumorigenesis and viable targets for therapeutic intervention marked the beginning of a new era in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. Since then, the field has made remarkable progress towards developing more effective targeted treatments and immunotherapies that have significantly improved patient outcomes and survival.
Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher
