ACS CAN calls on the White House, Congress to prioritize tobacco control and cancer research

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On the two-year anniversary of the reignited Cancer Moonshot Feb. 2, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network called on the White House and Congress to reinforce their commitment to end cancer as we know it by taking key steps to prioritize cancer prevention and research. 

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Fifty-four years ago, in his State of the Union Message in January 1971, President Nixon proposed a visionary and vigorous new challenge.  He said “The time has come in America when the same kind of concentrated effort that split the atom and took man to the moon” should be applied to finding a cure for cancer.  He followed up by requesting an appropriation of $100 million, and the promise to ask for whatever additional funds could be effectively used.  
The Trump administration did exactly what it said it would do to disorient anyone involved in making policy or touched by it. The president and his crew have “flooded the zone”—the term and the image are theirs, as is the strategy of dropping a flurry of executive orders and memoranda that shake the foundations of the American system of government, raising questions of legality and constitutionality, and, above all, making it a challenge for anyone to see the entire picture and think strategically.

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