MSK to open David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care in January 2020

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Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Dec. 10 marked the opening of David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care, a $1.5 billion cancer treatment facility, a 750,000-square-foot building which will open for patient care next month.

Located on East 74th Street between York Avenue and the FDR Drive, the David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care at MSK is staffed by 1,300 employees who will work with up to 1,300 patients daily. The outpatient facility occupies 25 floors, with 231 exam rooms, 110 infusion rooms, 37 procedure rooms, and 16 inpatient beds for those requiring a short stay.

Nearly every aspect of cancer care across numerous specialties will be available under one roof, including hematologic oncology, interventional radiology, dermatology, and endocrine, head and neck, pulmonary, and thoracic cancers, as well as phase I clinical trials and more.

The facility stems from the record donation of $150 million from the late David H. Koch, who served as a long-time member of the MSK Boards of Overseers and Managers. His gift represents the largest single donation in MSK’s history, and his lifelong gifts and pledges to the institution total $230 million. These include funds to establish the David H. Koch Center for the Immunologic Control of Cancer, and three chairs including the David H. Koch Chair.

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