Ana María López to lead medical oncology at Sidney Kimmel

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Ana María López joined the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center–Jefferson Health as the vice chair of medical oncology and chief of cancer services at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center–Washington Township.

López comes from the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, where she was director of Cancer Health Equality, in addition to associate VP for Health Equity and Inclusion at the University of Utah Health; associate director of Collaboration and Engagement Services at the Utah Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences; and professor of medicine at UU School of Medicine.

She is an expert in breast and gynecological cancers, integrative medicine, telehealth and cancer disparities. Currently she is president of the Philadelphia-based American College of Physicians, which is the largest medical specialty organization in the United States. Additionally, her strong commitment to cancer disparities is reflected in her leadership of the American Society of Clinical Oncology committee on cancer disparities.

López will be based out of SKCC in Center City until the New Jersey site is remodeled. Once she moves into the new site, she will continue to collaborate with research and physician teams throughout the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Network and will still spend some days in Center City.

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