Roche acquires Bina Technologies Inc.

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ROCHE acquired Bina Technologies Inc., a privately held company that provides a big data platform for centralized management and processing of next generation sequencing data for the academic and translational research markets.

Bina will be integrated into the Roche Sequencing Unit, and will continue to focus on development of their innovative genomic analysis solution.

Bina recently announced selection of their platform by the US Department of Veterans Affairs to provide whole genome, whole exome, and SNP Chip DNA data analysis as part of the VA’s Million Veteran Program, which aims to enroll 1 million veterans.


Artificial intelligence is starting to transform life sciences by accelerating drug discovery and development, optimizing clinical trials, and creating personalized treatments for cancer patients, speakers said at the Sept. 18 unveiling of the American Association for Cancer Research 2024 Cancer Progress Report. 

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