Our challenge: To find zen in chaos

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This column is a love letter of sorts to our field, a recognition of all that we have accomplished and an acknowledgement that we need to find a path forward that supports and empowers the best of what it is to invest in cancer research. 

Dear colleagues,

It’s been a week. We work in a field filled with uncertainty, but this has felt very different. Let’s talk about it.

Let me start by saying how excited I am to be here. The cancer community is an incredibly mission-focused group of people. We engage diverse stakeholders, embrace new ideas, and embody integrity of the highest order. These skills will be needed for the challenges ahead.

This new column will attempt to take the weekly pulse on this cancer community, to give a voice and perspective to ongoing challenges, and celebrate victories related to cancer. I look forward to exploring a range of concepts and ideas with you. 

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W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, MMHC
Former director, National Cancer Institute
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W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, MMHC
Former director, National Cancer Institute

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