Guest Editorial

Preventing the “Killing Twice Effect”: What we can do to support Ukrainian oncology professionals during the war
FreeGuest Editorial

Preventing the “Killing Twice Effect”: What we can do to support Ukrainian oncology professionals during the war

Yuliia’s phone rings. She shows me the app warning of an imminent missile strike in her district in Ukraine, grateful that she does not need to respond—for the time being she is safe in the USA. 
How you can help Ukrainian oncology practitioners fight two evils: cancer and war
FreeGuest Editorial

How you can help Ukrainian oncology practitioners fight two evils: cancer and war

Can you imagine, as a radiation oncologist, you have to shelter your patients in a Co-60 vault to protect them from missiles, provide them with water by melting snow, feed them, keep them warm by using a backup power generator, and evacuate them just two hours before the missile destroys the radiation oncology department?