Few people can say they have contributed more to our field than Dr. Walter Lawrence, Jr., and we are so deeply saddened by his passing Nov. 9 at age 96.
On Oct. 11, 1971, Roswell Park Memorial Institute hosted hearings to discuss the National Cancer Act of 1971. The hearings finalized the language of the bill and established the Cancer Center Support Grant.
The Association of American Cancer Institutes is designing two programs to address systemic underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minority physicians and scientists in leadership positions in oncology.
The National Cancer Act of 1971 established an unprecedented government-wide plan to eradicate a major disease, creating institutions that have no equivalent in other therapeutic areas and galvanizing the nationwide conversation about cancer.
Prof. Elihu (Eli) H. Estey, MD, a pioneering AML researcher, physician and scholar collapsed and died unexpectedly on Oct. 8 at his home in Seattle. He was 75.
Our good friend and colleague Ed Gehan passed away on Sept. 28 at the age of 92. Ed and his contributions to cancer research and to cancer patients are legend.
A podcast on developments in genitourinary cancer is recording oral histories with pioneers of GU oncology. Sharpless discusses the history and future of NCI at the Paul Calabresi Memorial Lecture, Nov. 2.
Proton therapy is an ultra-precise form of radiation that spares patients excess radiation to the heathy tissues and organs surrounding their tumor.
Blanton S. Tolbert was named the first associate director for diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, complementing his recent appointment as vice dean for diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence for the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.
The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center earned an additional $12 million from NCI as a two-year merit-based extension. The center was the first of two NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers to be awarded this distinction, followed by Lurie Cancer Center.