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ISSUE 46 – DEC. 13, 2013PDF

CPRIT Official Indicted for Skipping Peer ReviewBy Paul GoldbergA grand jury in Travis County, Texas, indicted a former official of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas for bypassing peer review in awarding an $11 million grant to a Dallas-based company.
photoWhy I Don’t Want to Pay for Your Horoscope:Reflections on FDA Warning to 23andMeGuest Editorial by Jim EvansThere’s been much recent gnashing of teeth (at least within the narrow and rather insular world of do-it-yourself genomics) about the gall of the FDA in choosing to issue a warning letter to 23andMe, effectively shutting down marketing of their direct-to-consumer personal genomic profiling. And adding to 23andMe’s woes, a class action suit has been filed against them.
photoBipartisan Deal Eases Some Budget Cuts By Extending Sequestration Through 2023By Matthew Bin Han OngThe House of Representatives voted 332-94 to approve a two-year budget outline Dec. 12 that would cancel $63 billion in sequester cuts for 2014 and 2015—in exchange for extending sequestration through 2023.
photoIn Brief
  • Thomas Burke stepped down as executive vice president and physician-in-chief at MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Edward Jackson named chair of the Department of Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • David Chang appointed professor of plastic surgery at the University of Chicago School of Medicine
  • Steve Mackin named chief operating officer of Cancer Treatment Centers of America


More than half of deaths that are not attributed to disease progression or recurrence after CAR T-cell therapy are caused by infections—an unprecedented finding that experts say marks a shift from a conventional focus on mitigating treatment-specific adverse events to including prevention and management of infections.
