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Guest Editorial
Globally, about 18 million people will be diagnosed with cancer and approximately 10 million people will die from cancer this year. Between 30–50% of these cancer cases are potentially preventable today, a fact that highlights that prevention remains one of the most effective and cost-effective long-term strategies to reduce the global cancer burden.
Guest Editorial
I read with interest the recently published story on the recommendations to streamline data collection in certain NCI trials presented at the Nov. 9, 2022, meeting of the Clinical and Translational Research Committee (The Cancer Letter, Nov. 11, 2022).
COVID-19 & CancerFreeGuest Editorial
The year 2020 will no doubt be recorded as one of the most tumultuous in our nation’s, if not the world’s, history.
COVID-19 & CancerFreeGuest Editorial
As clinicians in a medical specialty that relies on evidence to guide treatment plans for individuals with cancer, we face an unfortunate dearth of data to help steer us during the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 & CancerFreeGuest Editorial
The worldwide spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) presents unprecedented challenges to the cancer care delivery system.