Whole genome sequencing center established in Singapore

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NOVOGENE, a commercial provider of genomic services, AITbiotech Pte Ltd, a Singapore biotechnology company, and the Genome Institute of Singapore announced that NovogeneAIT Genomics Singapore–a new joint venture between Novogene and AITbiotech–will establish a joint whole genome sequencing center at Biopolis, Singapore.

The new center will provide Illumina HiSeq X based whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of human, plant and animal samples for biomedical and agricultural researchers. The center will devote a major portion of its sequencing capability to support public research projects and empower super scale sequencing initiatives in Singapore and the region.

In addition, NovogeneAIT will collaborate with GIS to develop new applications of next-generation sequencing, such as WGS solutions for cancer diagnosis and stratified cancer treatment.


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