City of Hope opens ambulatory cancer center in Irvine as part of $1B expansion

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In the latest phase of its plan to invest over $1 billion in Orange County, City of Hope has opened a multi-specialty outpatient cancer center in the county and hired 29 physicians to practice there.

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City of Hope and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, the only Historically Black Graduate Institution west of the Mississippi River and one of only four Historically Black Medical Schools, announced the launch of a new partnership to educate a more diverse workforce in specialized medicine through internships, curriculum, training, mentorships, joint research projects, and more.
The largest clinical trial to date seeking to reduce the risk of people who have survived childhood cancer from developing heart failure found that carvedilol, a blood vessel relaxing medication, is safe for childhood cancer survivors and may improve important markers of heart injury sustained as a result of chemotherapy exposure.
