NCI BSA approves nine new and reissued concepts

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The NCI Board of Scientific Advisors approved nine new and reissued concepts at a meeting held March 28-29.

Also at the meeting, NCI Director Ned Sharpless—who recently announced that he would step down April 29—discussed the state of FY22 funding and President Joe Biden’s reinvigorated Moonshot (The Cancer Letter, Apr. 1, Apr. 4, 2022). 

Douglas Lowy, principal deputy director of NCI, delivered a presentation on how the FY22 NCI budget will affect research project grant paylines (The Cancer Letter, Apr. 1, 2022). Paylines for R01 grants for new and established investigators will stay at the 11th percentile, complicating NCI’s goal of reaching the 15th percentile by 2025. 

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Alice Tracey
Alice Tracey
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Alice Tracey
Alice Tracey

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