Siteman receives renewal of five-year, $10.8M SPORE grant for leukemia research

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Washington University researchers at Siteman Cancer Center received a $10.8 million grant throughNCI’s Specialized Programs of Research Excellence. Led by principal investigator Daniel C. Link, the five-year grant is a renewal of a previous SPORE grant in leukemia.

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As a physician-scientist, I navigate the intersection of laboratory research and clinical care every day. At City of Hope, our mission is to rapidly translate groundbreaking discoveries into effective treatments for patients with hematologic malignancies, particularly acute leukemias. This is possible due to a unique combination of infrastructure and culture combined with an unwavering sense of urgency. 
As the chief scientific officer of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for the past eleven years, it has been a privilege to lead a group of scientists that has doled out more than $600 million for cutting-edge hematologic oncology research. These dollars went to more than 1,000 research projects through initiatives like our biomedical research grant programs and LLS’s venture philanthropy, the Therapy Acceleration Program (TAP). 

Researchers leading the SWOG S1712 clinical trial have found that adding ruxolitinib (Jakafi) to standard tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment for patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia significantly increased the percentage of patients who had a molecular response deep enough to warrant discontinuing treatment. Results were presented at the European School of Haematology’s 26th Annual John...

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