NPR station broadcasts anniversary program on moonshot

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On Jan. 12, the first anniversary of the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative, NPR’s largest member station, KQED San Francisco, aired a one-hour program, which is posted here.

Guests included:

  • Matthew Ong, reporter, The Cancer Letter

  • Deborah Mayer, professor, school of nursing and director of cancer survivorship, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at UNC-Chapel Hill; member, Blue Ribbon Panel for Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot

  • Jan Liphardt, associate professor of bioengineering, Stanford University; co-founder,

  • Alan Ashworth, president, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center; senior vice president for Cancer Services, UCSF Health Professor of Medicine

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More than half of deaths that are not attributed to disease progression or recurrence after CAR T-cell therapy are caused by infections—an unprecedented finding that experts say marks a shift from a conventional focus on mitigating treatment-specific adverse events to including prevention and management of infections.
