Jeffrey Medin named MACC Fund Endowed Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin

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JEFFREY MEDIN was named MACC (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer) Fund Endowed Professor at the department of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

At MCW, Medin will serve as vice chair of research innovation for the department of pediatrics, and research director within the section of pediatric hematology/oncology, where he is expected to expand the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Transplant Program.

Medin will also serve as director of cell processing laboratories in the MCW Adult and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Program, with appointments in the MCW Cancer Center and the BloodCenter of Wisconsin’s Blood Research Institute.

Medin will also be the Good Manufacturing Practice facility director at MCW, referring to the Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations issued by FDA.

Medin currently serves as a professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics and the Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.

He is also a senior scientist with the University Health Network, and director of the UHN Vector Core Facility at the Krembil Discovery Tower at Toronto Western Hospital.

“Dr. Medin has a distinguished record of accomplishment in the field of pediatric cancers,” said Joseph Kerschner, dean of the school of medicine and executive vice president of MCW. “Dr. Medin’s appointment represents the importance of fighting cancer as a strategic priority for MCW, and highlights how we work closely with our partners at the MACC Fund and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin to improve outcomes for children and families.”

Medin will assume his full duties on Jan. 1, 2016.

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