The growing need for cancer patient navigation and how to meet it

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The process of navigating the cancer care continuum can be extremely complex, confusing, and frustrating for patients and caregivers. To achieve better outcomes, patients need to not only be aware of their options, but also have a comprehensive understanding of them and be able to act accordingly and with purpose. 

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Alyssa Schatz, MSW
Senior director, policy & advocacy, National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Crystal S. Denlinger, MD
Chief executive officer, National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Table of Contents


The President’s Cancer Panel released a report, Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care, as part of a White House event acknowledging advancements in navigation support for cancer patients over the past year. The report calls on healthcare organizations, policymakers, and technology developers to keep pace with the rapid advancement and adoption of new technology.
Alyssa Schatz, MSW
Senior director, policy & advocacy, National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Crystal S. Denlinger, MD
Chief executive officer, National Comprehensive Cancer Network

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