I was really excited to get to talk about the role that mentorship plays in women’s leadership development. It’s a topic that I’ve thought a lot about, and also that I’ve benefitted from, and that I think is not always applied with enough intention. There is an art to mentorship, and I want to share some of how that has helped me navigate career transitions and pivot to leadership roles.
As we are all aware, the new presidential administration is moving rapidly to change how science, including health sciences, will be conducted and funded by the federal government, including research supported by the National Institutes of Health.
As cancer specialists, we have to constantly be on the lookout, alert for trends as they emerge—because they might impact the way we best deliver advice or care, or because trends may inform us about specific influences that drive cancers.
The phase III VERIFY trial, in which phlebotomy-dependent patients with polycythemia vera were randomized to treatment with either rusfertide (PTG-300) or placebo, as an add-on to standard of care treatment, met its primary endpoint of proportion of patients achieving response.