George J. Weiner

George J. Weiner, MD

Professor of internal medicine-hematology, oncology, and blood & marrow transplantation, Professor of pharmaceutical sciences and experimental therapeutics, CE Block Chair of Cancer Research, Director emeritus, University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center

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Guest Editorial
As cancer clinicians, we spend years learning how to think objectively and rationally when supporting patients who have responded to a cancer diagnosis with anger and fear.
Guest Editorial
Comprehensive cancer centers seek to reduce the burden of cancer through clinical care, research, education, and community engagement, including a commitment to diversity. 
Guest Editorial
As Joe Simone said, “Once you have seen one cancer center, you have seen one cancer center.” This statement is certainly true of the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC).
Guest Editorial
Progress against cancer, as brought about by high quality academic cancer centers, requires individual excellence from experts who apply distinct, highly specific skill sets to a common goal within the cancer center. The cancer center coordinates and supports these efforts.
Guest Editorial
Over the years, I have gained extensive experience with academic cancer center External Advisory Boards, including hosting multiple EAB meetings at my own cancer center, chairing the EABs of nine other NCI designated cancer centers, and serving on many others. 
Guest Editorial
As is true in so many fields, medicine and biomedical research have experienced a huge transition over recent decades from self-sufficiency to productive interdependence. 

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