NCI is temporarily reducing its paylines as the federal government is being funded at FY2024 levels via a continuing resolution that extends until Dec. 20, delaying the budgeting process for most federal agencies in the new fiscal year.
NCI Director Kimryn Rathmell has released her professional judgment budget proposal, requesting nearly $11.5 billion—the same amount as last year’s proposal prepared by her predecessor, Monica Bertagnolli.
After a year of lean appropriations, NCI is looking at what threatens to be a budgetary cataclysm—a potential 10-11% cut to the Labor-HHS spending bill in fiscal year 2025.
With NCI funding expected to remain flat through fiscal year 2025, health professionals and leaders in oncology should use this time to amp up institutional efforts to collaborate and rebuild trust in science, NCI Director Kimryn Rathmell said.
Addressing the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors, Institute Director Kimryn Rathmell announced two key initiatives—the Cancer Screening Research Network and the Virtual Clinical Trials Office—designed to achieve large reductions in cancer mortality and support the cancer research enterprise.
As the likelihood of a flat budget increases for the 2024 fiscal year, NCI will have difficulty maintaining its current programs, the institute’s new director Kimryn Rathmell said in her inaugural NCI director’s report to members of the National Cancer Advisory Board Feb. 8.
The gridlock in Washington is taking a toll on federally funded cancer research as the partisan wrangling in Congress over border security and funding for Israel and Ukraine shows no sign of relenting.
Amid the gridlock that has seized Washington, NCI faces a grim and disturbing FY2024, the institute’s Principal Deputy Director Douglas R. Lowy said at the annual meeting of the Association of American Cancer Institutes.
The Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services is coordinating a health informatics initiative—as part of the Cancer Moonshot—to set common data standards that could be used across key federal health agencies, including NCI, NIH, and FDA.
NCI continues to face the prospect of flat funding in fiscal year 2024 as a spending bill proposes a 3% cut to NCI’s budget, which threatens to further reduce the institute’s purchasing power, said NCI Director Monica Bertagnolli.