DONALD SHELDON was appointed to the new role of regional president of community hospitals for University Hospitals.
RACHEL HUMPHREY was named chief medical officer of CytomX. Humphrey previously served as a member of the company's board of directors.
A total of 6,000 cyclists participated in THE PAN-MASS CHALLENGE, a two-day bike fundraiser involving 12 routes and 46 Massachusetts towns, raising over $33.5 million.
THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH announced a big data partnership with St. Joseph Health, in which the health system would collect and send structured pathology cancer data directly to the California Cancer Registry.
THE COMMISSION ON CANCER of the American College of Surgeons granted its bi-annual Outstanding Achievement Award to 20 accredited cancer programs throughout the U.S. The awards were based on surveys conducted during the first half of the year.
THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY received a charitable donation from Bristol-Myers Squibb Company for chronic myeloid leukemia patients who need help paying for PCR testing.
LOPA MISHRA has decided to leave MD Anderson Cancer Center, effective Aug. 31.
STEPHEN LESSNICK was named director of the Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
JINGHUI ZHANG was named as the first chair of the Department of Computational Biology at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. She will hold the St. Jude Endowed Chair in Bioinformatics.
JOHN CUNNINGHAM was appointed chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Chicago.