Cancer specialists like me, whether they are medical, surgical, or radiation oncologists spend our lives treating life threatening disease. We generally have a serious and professional demeanor reflective of the world that we choose to inhabit and the circumstances facing our patients that entrust us with their care.
One city is famous for its cheesesteaks. The other—a known hotspot for some of the country’s best barbecue.
Ten miles south of my job at the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, an Asian American elder opened fire and killed one person at the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, CA.
As members of the 118th Congress returned to Washington this week, everyone is focused on raising the nation’s debt limit, especially following Treasury Secretary Jane Yellen’s announcement that her agency would begin taking extraordinary measures to prevent the government from triggering a default.
Over and over again, I’ve seen the same missteps, clumsy excuses, and faulty logic during sponsor presentations to the FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee, repeated as if part of a tragic, regulatory update to the movie Groundhog Day.
January is always an exciting time for the American Cancer Society. Every year since 1951, ACS has published Cancer Facts & Figures(CFF), a summary of the most up-to-date population-based cancer data in the United States. This report, and its accompanying scientific article, Cancer Statistics, published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, are the most... […]
The year of 2022 was probably the most challenging and hard for Ukraine since the start of our independence. Our lives have changed significantly as we are fighting for the world’s freedom and democracy. In these circumstances, the Ukrainian healthcare system remained stable and doctors kept doing their job at hospitals around the country, including oncologists who did their best to treat patients in any way possible.
S2302 Pragmatica-Lung is a federally-funded, streamlined clinical trial examining a new combination of agents in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Like most studies, it is focused on improving outcomes for patients with cancer—but it is also poised to simplify and transform the entire clinical trials model as we know it.
Steady advancements in cancer treatments over the past century have led to significant improvements in the expected lifespan of cancer patients. However, to this day, cancer is very rarely cured.
At the 2022 annual meeting of the Association of American Cancer Institutes—hosted by The University of Kansas, the newest NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center—Dr. Doug Lowy, then acting NCI director, discussed how enhancing the way centers communicate research is vital to the eradication of cancer.