Gilda’s Club Chicago, cancer organizations launch metastatic breast cancer awareness campaign

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GILDA’S CLUB CHICAGO and other organizations across the country launched the It’s About Time campaign, an initiative to raise awareness of metastatic breast cancer.

“It is our hope that the It’s About Time campaign will help inform the public about metastatic breast cancer and metastatic disease in general, while giving those diagnosed, their families and friends a greater voice. ” said Laura-Jane Hyde, CEO, Gilda’s Club Chicago said in a statement.

It’s About Time encourages metastatic breast cancer patients, their families, caretakers and advocacy organizations to engage in a national conversation over the next six weeks about metastatic breast cancer facts, what time means to them, opportunities for increased advocacy and research supporting metastatic breast cancer, and, most importantly, to create a platform for those battling metastatic breast cancer to share their stories.

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