SWOG-nCartes pilot collaboration shows significant expected time savings for study data entry

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The SWOG Cancer Research Network has partnered with cloud clinical research software company nCoup to pilot and deploy the company’s nCartes platform at SWOG sites to help advance data collection. 

In late-phase pilot testing, the results of data entry using the nCartes platform were compared to the current practice of manual data entry, showing significant time savings and improvements in data quality. 

The results were presented at the Society for Clinical Trials 43rd annual meeting.

With nCartes, research sites pull data available in the electronic medical record, such as labs and medications, and automatically transfer the data directly into the research sponsor’s electronic data capture system.

To measure data entry time using the nCartes platform, a study coordinator was timed entering 43 forms. It took 100 minutes to complete all forms, or 2 minutes and 20 seconds per form—a sizable time savings compared to current standard practice. Data quality also improved. 

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