J. Alan Diehl named deputy director and chief operating officer of Case CCC

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J. Alan Diehl was named deputy director and chief operating officer of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Diehl will work closely with Stan Gerson, director of Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, to coordinate activities based on the recently updated strategic plan, priorities identified by the executive committee Diehl has been a member of, and to lead multi-investigator initiatives and grant applications.

Diehl joined Case Western Reserve University in 2019 as chair of the Department of Biochemistry in the School of Medicine. Diehl was director of the Cancer Cell Biology Program at the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, and most recently served as associate director of basic science at Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina.

Diehl’s research focuses on the discovery of molecular mechanisms that contribute to uncontrolled cell proliferation and decreased cell death. He is an expert in Program Project Grants and has already advised Case CCC member groups gearing toward submissions. Diehl also serves on multiple External Advisory Boards for NCI-designated cancer centers.

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