Federal government:
NCI source book and resources: clinical and laboratory operations
NCI Emergency Resources: What people with cancer should know about the coronavirus
NCI guidance: Interim guidance for patients on clinical trials supported by the NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) and the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).
CTEP coronavirus guidance
COVID-19 scientific interest group
FDA guidance: Conduct of clinical trials of medical products during COVID-19 pandemic
FDA guidance update: Blood donations
More FDA updates: Medical Countermeasures Initiative, on COVID-19
FDA continues to facilitate access to crucial medical products, Including ventilators
FDA provides update on patient access to certain REMS drugs during COVID-19 public health emergency
A message to patients with cancer and Health Care Providers About COVID-19
Update: Diagnostic testing for COVID-19
Professional societies:
American Society of Clinical Oncology FAQ: Emerging issues and challenges in caring for patients with cancer during the coronavirus pandemic
American Cancer Society FAQ: Common questions about the new coronavirus outbreak
ACS clinical guidance: COVID-19 elective case triage guidelines for surgical care
Create a surgical review committee for COVID-19-related surgical triage decision making
COVID-19 and 2020 ACS Grants
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Resources: Patient management and basic and translational research
Community Oncology Alliance resources: Coronavirus (COVID-19) practice resources and protocols
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society FAQ: Resources and what you should know about the coronavirus
American Society for Radiation Oncology FAQ: COVID-19 recommendations and information
American College of Surgeons resources: For the surgical community
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer resources: Implications for patients, translational research
American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy resources
European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Society recommendations
World Marrow Donor Association resources
Research centers: