Laine: Annals wouldn’t have published studies on red, processed meat “if we thought it was bad science”

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Older guidelines on red and processed meat are not very transparent about the methodology that was used to search, select, and rate the quality of the evidence, said Christine Laine, editor in chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

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The immune system can be a powerful tool to control cancer. Immune cells within our body detect cancer cells and release payloads that kill them. Transformative science in the last decade has led to the development of therapies that enhance the ability of our immune cells to carry out this function. These therapies, including checkpoint blockade and CAR-T cells, have been lifesaving for many patients that before had untreatable cancer. But, sadly, a majority of patients with advanced solid tumors still succumb to their disease. 
Researchers from Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Dana Farber Cancer Institute have received $7 million from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to study how diet and exercise impact mental and physical functioning in older cancer survivors and their caregivers.
Matthew Bin Han Ong
Matthew Bin Han Ong

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