Switching to Tasigna After Gleevec Therapy Can Achieve Deeper Molecular Response
Perjeta, Herceptin & Docetaxel Combination Extended Survival in HER2-Positive Disease
Two Regorafenib Trials Demonstrate Efficacy, Improve Overall and Progression-Free Survival
Volasertib Shows Response In 31 Percent of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients
Breast Cancer Risk Increases With Repeated CT Imaging
Scatter Radiation from Mammography Presents No Increased Cancer Risk
MRI, 3D Ultrasound Combination Can Guide Prostate Biopsies
Perifosine, Sorafenib Combination Well Tolerated in Several Lymphomas
NCI-Approved CTEP Trials For the Month of December
FDA Approves 35 Medicines In Fiscal 2012, Eight in Cancer
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