Vinay Prasad describes his Vanderbilt colleagues as “despicable,” raising new questions about physicians’ conduct on social media

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At a time when distinguished careers can falter because of a careless Facebook post, the oncologist-iconoclast Vinay Prasad is showing no sign of moderating the shaming and haranguing that make him a social media phenom.

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Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher
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The University of California, San Francisco and global oncology communities mourn the death of Felix Y. Feng, MD, a radiation oncologist and a leading figure in genitourinary cancer research. A professor of radiation oncology, urology and medicine, and vice chair of translational research at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Feng died from cancer on Dec.10, 2024. He was 48.
Despite steady progress in reducing overall cancer mortality rates, cancer incidence in women is rising, according to the American Cancer Society’s “Cancer Statistics, 2025” report. Incidence rates in women 50-64 years of age have surpassed those in men, and rates in women under 50 are now 82% higher than their male counterparts, up from 51% higher in 2002. In 2021, for the first time, lung cancer incidence was higher in women under 65 than in men. 
Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher

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