Fox Chase gets three-year no-cost extension as director Fisher departs

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God did not intend directors of NCI-designated cancer centers to last in their jobs forever.

They move on to become deans, vice deans, associate vice deans and such. Some return to the lab, clinic, classroom, or all three. Others genuinely retire, or retire in place, with emeritus titles and sets of golf clubs. Still others move on to run other cancer centers or take jobs in the industry or nonprofits. A few become NCI directors.

Very few are asked to turn in their company cell phones and laptops, lose email access, and receive immediate assistance with packing their offices. A few days ago, Richard I. Fisher, president, CEO, and director of Fox Chase Cancer Center, was relieved of his duties at the institution he ran since 2013 (The Cancer Letter, Dec. 7, 2012; May 15, 2015).

Temple University Health System, which owns Fox Chase, announced Fisher’s departure on Nov. 24. 

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Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher
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Paul Goldberg
Editor & Publisher

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