Saving Ukraine’s cancer patients

The images from Ukraine are beyond endurance. There is nothing to say about the ethics of this conflict. A fascist autocrat who leads a confederacy of kleptocrats decides to invade a neighboring state under a KGB-honed delusion that has been out of date since the 1990s so that his nation will be “stronger” by reattaching itself to a the blasted remains of a cultural treasure.

Ukraine has a special place in my heart, in my career, and in my life.  A Ukrainian breast cancer project first introduced me to the field of global oncology, along with experience of seeing first-hand the challenges (and rewards) of providing cancer care and conducting cancer research in a setting of constrained resources.  From my...

A care hotline and resource hub for Ukrainian cancer patients established by the American Cancer Society, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center – Jefferson Health has recruited several hundred volunteers as the organizations work to develop a lasting infrastructure to support those displaced by the crisis. 
Can you imagine, as a radiation oncologist, you have to shelter your patients in a Co-60 vault to protect them from missiles, provide them with water by melting snow, feed them, keep them warm by using a backup power generator, and evacuate them just two hours before the missile destroys the radiation oncology department? 
Yuliia’s phone rings. She shows me the app warning of an imminent missile strike in her district in Ukraine, grateful that she does not need to respond—for the time being she is safe in the USA. 
The year of 2022 was probably the most challenging and hard for Ukraine since the start of our independence. Our lives have changed significantly as we are fighting for the world’s freedom and democracy. In these circumstances, the Ukrainian healthcare system remained stable and doctors kept doing their job at hospitals around the country, including oncologists who did their best to treat patients in any way possible.
Ukraine is experiencing a full-scale war that has been going on for more than a year. The resilience of the Ukrainian people, the balanced policy of the government led by the president of Ukraine, and the strong support of the world community inspire hope for victory and the country’s speedy recovery.

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