Wistar receives $5M merit extension award from NCI

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The Wistar Institute’s Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center received a merit extension award totaling more than $5 million from NCI.

Wistar is the first NCI-designated basic cancer center in the nation to receive NCI’s merit extension, which extends its Cancer Center Support Grant for two additional years. 

Wistar is the fifth NCI-designated Cancer Centers to earn the distinction. 

Wistar’s Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center focuses on research for cancer prevention, diagnosis, and therapy, and the Cancer Center Support Grant facilitates the institute’s ability to merge basic, translational, and disease-relevant research. 

Having received an “exceptional” rating in its past two, consecutive CCSG renewal applications, and maintained exceptional research progress, institutional commitment, and leadership, the merit extension application was approved by NCI. 

With the merit extension, the Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center intends to continue the initiatives of its 2019 CCSG and expand on programmatic initiatives launched by the Institute’s Bold Science // Global Impact five-year strategic plan.

Wistar’s Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center has three scientific research programs: the Gene Expression and Regulation Program; the Immunology, Microenvironment and Metastasis Program; and the Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis Program. 

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