Jordan Berlin was named associate director of Clinical Investigation Strategy and Shared Resources at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.
In his new role, he will chair the Resource Allocation Committee and continue as chair of the Clinical Trials Shared Resource Steering Committee.
Berlin is an Ingram Professor of Cancer Research, and co-leader of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Research Program and director of the phase I Clinical Trials Program at VICC.
In his new role, Berlin will work closely with Vicki Keedy, medical director of the CTSR, Marta Crispens, chair of the Scientific Review Committee, Ingrid Mayer, chair of the Data and Safety Monitoring Committee, and the operational leaders of the CTSR to optimize operations and facilitate clinical trial services for the VICC membership.
Berlin joined the faculty at Vanderbilt in 1999. He specializes in treating GI cancers.
At VICC, Berlin is the principal investigator of Project 2 and co-director of the Administrative Core for the GI Specialized Program of Research Excellence, a prestigious research grant program funded by the National Cancer Institute.
He also is principal investigator of the Vanderbilt Lead Academic Participating Site Grant with the National Clinical Trials Network and of the UM1 to conduct early-phase trials with the Early Therapeutics Clinical Trials Network.