W. Kimryn Rathmell

W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, MMHC

Former director, National Cancer Institute

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Guest Editorial
Knowledge is power, and this information, true for many cancers, is valuable for everyone to know—either to have an awareness of their own bodies and the factors that they can control, or to create spaces for empathy with persons they might encounter with cancer. 
Guest Editorial
Today, our world is small. It feels smaller all the time. In a few hours we can get to any point on the globe.
FreeGuest Editorial
Being summarily dismissed, denigrated, and divided is both dehumanizing and taking place in a radical and disorienting manner. The effect is traumatizing.
Guest Editorial
Isolating science by shutting down communication risks building up silos, stymying scientific innovation and dissemination, and creating a culture that excludes rather than includes.
Guest Editorial
This column is a love letter of sorts to our field, a recognition of all that we have accomplished and an acknowledgement that we need to find a path forward that supports and empowers the best of what it is to invest in cancer research.

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