Trials & Tribulations

LLS former CSO: Immunotherapy, precision medicine redefined blood cancer treatment
Trials & Tribulations

LLS former CSO: Immunotherapy, precision medicine redefined blood cancer treatment

As the chief scientific officer of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for the past eleven years, it has been a privilege to lead a group of scientists that has doled out more than $600 million for cutting-edge hematologic oncology research. These dollars went to more than 1,000 research projects through initiatives like our biomedical research grant programs and LLS’s venture philanthropy, the Therapy Acceleration Program (TAP). 
Addressing high cancer mortality in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations
Trials & Tribulations

Addressing high cancer mortality in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations
A call for equity in cancer research

After reading “Breast Cancer Mortality Continues Three-Decade Decline, but Steeper Increases for Women Under 50 & AAPI Women of All Ages,” it is evident that while overall progress is being made in the fight against cancer, concerning disparities remain—particularly within the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities.