On May 18, 2024, Felix Feng, a leader in genitourinary cancer research, gave the keynote address at the inaugural symposium that bears his name.
In a new article on the Cancer History Project, the American Cancer Society profiles three ACS-funded Nobel laureates: They join a cohort of 50 other ACS-funded Nobel laureates. “The American Cancer Society’s legacy, with 53 Nobel Prize-winning researchers, is a testament to the relentless pursuit of breakthroughs that save lives,” said William Dahut, chief scientific […]
On Dec. 23, 1971, President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act into law.
When Larry Einhorn was a young physician in the early 1970s, actinomycin-D was the standard drug used to treat testicular cancer. It was—and still is—the most common carcinoma in young men ages 15-35.
As oncology contemplates the potential impact of a second Donald Trump term on cancer care and research, The Cancer Letter has compiled a list of guest editorials, news analyses, and data-driven reports that this magazine published during his first term.
“Less Radical” is the story of Bernie Fisher, the surgeon-scientist who not only revolutionized breast cancer treatment, but also fundamentally changed the way we understand all cancers.
In a new online exhibition, The University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society spotlights tobacco advertisements and promotional artifacts from presidential election campaigns.
Two former directors and the current director of the UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center appeared in a special episode of the Cancer Luminaries podcast. This series was launched by UCCCC to mark its 50th year as an NCI-designated cancer center.
Less Radical tells the story of surgeon-scientist Bernie Fisher, who revolutionized breast cancer treatment and transformed the way we understand cancer.
In 2023, Jeffrey S. Weber was named a Fellow of the Academy of Immuno-Oncology, an honor established by the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer.