A bipartisan resolution designating May as the NATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH MONTH passed the Senate May 21. The resolution was sponsored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA).
THE ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY announced its 2014-2015 board of directors at its 39th Annual Congress.
THE CHILDREN'S ONCOLOGY DRUG ALLIANCE is joining the research and resources of the University of New South Wales and its commercialization arm, NewSouth Innovations; The Kids' Cancer Project, an Australia-based childhood cancer research charity; Novogen, an Australian oncology drug development company; and Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, to help accelerate development of a therapeutic approach to neuroblastoma.
MOFFITT CANCER CENTER began a collaboration with Vermillion Inc. to produce clinical and economic data to support a new value-based practice model that may improve survival, quality of life and cost-effectiveness of care for patients with ovarian cancer.
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB and Celldex Therapeutics Inc. entered into a clinical trial collaboration to evaluate the safety, tolerability and preliminary efficacy of nivolumab, BMS's investigational PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor, and varlilumab, Celldex's CD27 targeting investigational antibody in a phase I/II study.
THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY named new officers during its 91st Annual Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference.
MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER honored 16 junior faculty members with the first R. Lee Clark Fellow awards. The award was established to recognize outstanding work by junior faculty members.
PETER BACH's account of his wife's death from breast cancer—"The Day I Started Lying to Ruth"—was published in New York Magazine May 6.
KRISTIN DARBY was named chief information officer of Cancer Treatment Centers of America. She will be the principal architect of the organization's Information Services function, including all clinical and non-clinical hardware and software applications, data infrastructure, warehousing and security, informatics, and system-wide technology support services.
THE MELANOMA RESEARCH ALLIANCE and L'Oreal Paris launched It's THAT Worth It, a campaign to support melanoma research.