ASTRAZENECA and Qiagen agreed to collaborate on the development of a liquid biopsy-based companion diagnostic to be paired with Iressa, AstraZeneca's targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer.
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB formed an agreement with Leica Biosystems to develop companion diagnostic tests.
OPTIM ONCOLOGY and Urology Centers of Oklahoma, divisions of Oklahoma Multispecialty Group, have joined The US Oncology Network.
THE DR. SUSAN LOVE RESEARCH FOUNDATION received a nearly $1 million grant from the NIH to continue development of a portable self-reading ultrasound for breast screening.
MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL received the American Hospital Association's inaugural Equity of Care Award for its efforts to reduce health care disparities and promote diversity within the organization's leadership and staff. The award was presented July 21 at the Health Forum-AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego.
JEFFREY ALBERS was named CEO of Blueprint Medicines.
THE CONQUER CANCER FOUNDATION of the American Society of Clinical Oncology named Raj Mantena and Aaron Sasson to its board of directors.
PETER PISTERS was appointed president and CEO of University Health Network, effective Jan. 1, 2015.
ALLYSON KINZEL was named vice president for institutional compliance and chief compliance officer at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
IOM Cancer Policy Forum Names Six At-Large Members (Continued from page 1) The IOM established the National Cancer Policy Forum to serve as a venue for national leaders from multiple sectors to work cooperatively to address highpriority cancer policy issues.