In September of 2021, an unprecedented event occurred that may have escaped your notice. The New England Journal of Medicine and over 200 other health care publications simultaneously published joint editorials alerting the greater medical community to the “catastrophic” public health and environmental impacts of climate change.1
Over the years, I have gained extensive experience with academic cancer center External Advisory Boards, including hosting multiple EAB meetings at my own cancer center, chairing the EABs of nine other NCI designated cancer centers, and serving on many others.
The shortage of certain cancer drugs is a serious and life-threatening issue for cancer patients across the United States. This, however, is not a new issue. Drug shortages are a cyclical event, and we need a durable solution to ensure that cancer patients have access to the drugs and the treatment they need to survive.
Last year, the NIH announced that at the direction of Congress, the organization would tighten rules for reporting sexual and workplace harassment by investigators funded by the NIH.
Can remote learning help with cancer research training and education?
Last month, the NIH finally responded to a request by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to obtain information about NIH’s handling of sexual harassment complaints.
Ukraine is experiencing a full-scale war that has been going on for more than a year. The resilience of the Ukrainian people, the balanced policy of the government led by the president of Ukraine, and the strong support of the world community inspire hope for victory and the country’s speedy recovery.
This week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force published a new draft guideline on breast cancer screening.1 The task force is considered the most rigorous and orthodox authority on the interpretation and application of the medical literature. The panel is widely respected for its expertise in epidemiology, screening, clinical trials interpretation, and structured reviews of... […]
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy stood in Houston and challenged the nation to undertake bold and drastic technological advancement to achieve the goal of reaching the moon. The speech he gave that day was considered the original moonshot address.
The recent Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra decision threatens access to lifesaving cancer screenings and other preventive screenings and services for millions of people in Texas and across the nation.