Over the past century, groundbreaking cancer research in the U.S. has led to life-saving medical advances that benefit patients worldwide. Scientists often devote their lives to making discoveries, putting their scientific endeavors ahead of status, income, or lifestyle. Investigators work tirelessly, often seven days a week, to solve complex medical problems. These efforts often lead to game-changing outcomes that help us understand difficult medical challenges, advance technologies and develop new therapies.
On Jan. 21, President Donald Trump announced the launch of the Stargate Project, a $500 billion artificial intelligence infrastructure project designed to revolutionize healthcare.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Human Research Protections issued Draft Guidance on the inclusion of tissue biopsies in clinical trials.
Over the past five years, Cedars-Sinai Cancer has built an integrated, regional system designed to provide cancer care close to where patients live and work. This model of care, directed by an academic medical center to patients at the community level, proved to be the best possible approach to supporting patients in our 11-million-person catchment area during the worst fire disaster in California history.
Acting Director Dr. Krzysztof Ptak’s words reverberated throughout the meeting room—and the heads of several of us—during the National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Centers update on the final day of the 2024 Association of American Cancer Institutes/Cancer Center Administrators Forum Annual Meeting in Chicago.
Young adults with cancer are starting to break the silence about grief. Most people think of grief following the death of a loved one, but grief can accompany any event that disrupts or challenges our sense of normalcy or ourselves.1 During this first week of December, National Grief Awareness Week, we can raise awareness about grief in young adults with cancer to help ensure that no one grieves alone.
Photo credit: Oleksiy Samsonov; Kyiv, March 2022In Ukraine, a country of around 44 million people, over 1.3 million individuals currently live with cancer.
Having had the honor and pleasure to lead an NCI-designated cancer center for several years, I would like to share my thoughts on this small yet unique set of institutes and their value to NCI and the nation.
It is rare that an ABC Movie of the Week endures. Buzz Kulik’s 1971 “Brian’s Song” is a notable exception.
The National Academy of Medicine recognized the value of correlative science in publicly funded clinical trials in 2010, recommending “the incorporation of innovative science into cancer clinical trials through the support and use of biorepositories.”