Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Perspectives on Clinical Development of PD-1 Drugs
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFree

Perspectives on Clinical Development of PD-1 Drugs

Question 1: Is there a reason to believe that these drugs are different from each other?Abrams & Sharon: From our estimate, there are more than 700 trials on, with the bulk of those trials (approximately 700) involving agents from the five leading PD-1/PD-L1 companies (Merck, BMS, AZ, Genentech, and EMD Serono/Pfizer). There are obviously some subtle differences in terms of agents that target PD-1 versus PD-L1, but by and large, if there is efficacy with one agent seen, then we have generally seen a similar range of efficacy with the other agents.