Researchers concluded that the MammaPrint genomic breast cancer test can accurately stratify a woman's breast cancer risk for up to 25 years after she is first diagnosed with the disease.
Research on lymphatic mapping and sentinel-node biopsy has confirmed that these techniques significantly prolong patients' disease-free and melanoma-specific survival over traditional “watch and wait” techniques.
Two studies presented at the 2014 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium suggested that positive HPV status could be used as a biomarker indicator related to improved survival.
A summary of a large study concluded that women with BRCA1 genetic mutations should undergo preventive ovarian surgery by age 35 to achieve the greatest reduction in their risks of breast and ovarian cancer.
A phase III study of Avastin failed to increase overall survival or statistically significant progression-free survival for glioblastoma patients in the frontline setting. The international study was a collaboration among the cooperative groups RTOG, NCCTG, and ECOG.
FDA granted accelerated approval for Mekinist (trametinib) in combination with Tafinlar (dabrafenib) for unresectable melanoma or metastatic melanoma with BRAF V600E or V600K mutations.
The National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program approved the following clinical research studies last month. For further information, contact the principal investigator listed.
Clinical validation study results of a microRNA signature classifier lung cancer assay demonstrated that a blood-based test can significantly reduce the high false-positive rate associated high-resolution imaging, specifically with low-dose computed tomography.
A series of studies of the Oncotype DX colon cancer test were presented at the 2014 American Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium.
A study in aggressive prostate cancer confirmed that epigenetic profiling of selected genes can provide prognostic information corresponding to Gleason score.