David Voce joins Tampa General Hospital neurosurgery team

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David Voce joined Tampa General Hospital and USF Health as an assistant professor in the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery & Brain Repair in the Division of Cranial and Neuro-Oncology.

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Breast, bladder, and pancreatic cancers are increasingly being treated with a broad range of therapies before a patient undergoes surgery, and cancer stage at diagnosis continues to be a leading factor in determining a person’s survival rate for all types of cancer, according to the first-ever annual cancer report from the National Cancer Database.
Ivan Borrello, medical director of the Myeloma, Bone Marrow Transplant and Cell Therapies Program at Tampa General Hospital’s Cancer Institute, watched as flood waters from Hurricane Helene heaved against a contraption called the AquaFence, which is, as the name suggests, a water-impermeable barrier made of marine-grade laminate and various metals that can withstand storm surges of up to 15 feet above sea level. 

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