Cheryl L. Willman named Stephen and Barbara Slaggie Executive Director of Mayo Clinic Cancer Programs, director of Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center

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Cheryl L. Willman

Cheryl L. Willman was named Stephen and Barbara Slaggie Executive Director of Mayo Clinic Cancer Programs and director of Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center following a gift from Stephen M. and Barbara J. Slaggie of Marco Island, FL, and Winona, MN.

Willman previously became the executive director of Mayo Clinic Cancer Programs and director of Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in August 2021 (The Cancer Letter, May 21, 2021). 

Mr. and Mrs. Slaggie are longtime Mayo Clinic patients who have expressed appreciation for the Mayo Clinic Model of Care and for the care provided to them and their family over the years.

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Mayo Clinic study has found that 8 million to 10 million Americans over age 40 have an overabundance of cloned white blood cells, or lymphocytes, that hamper their immune systems. Although many who have this condition—called monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis—do not experience any symptoms, a recent study shows they may have an elevated risk for several health complications, including melanoma. 

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